発表論文:Distribution of Aedes mosquito species along the rural-urban gradient in Lambaréné and its surrounding.
<TITLE>Distribution of Aedes mosquito species along the rural-urban gradient in Lambaréné and its surroundingP […]
発表論文:Characterization of novel, severely immunodeficient PrkdcΔex57/Δex57 mice
<TITLE>Characterization of novel, severely immunodeficient PrkdcΔex57/Δex57 miceBiochem Biophys Res […]
発表論文:The RNA helicase DDX39B activates FOXP3 RNA splicing to control T regulatory cell fate 日本語解説
<TITLE>The RNA helicase DDX39B activates FOXP3 RNA splicing to control T regulatory cell Minato Hirano, […]
発表論文:Genetic Diversity of Hepatitis B and C Viruses Revealed by Continuous Surveillance from 2015 to 2021 in Gabon, Central Africa
<TITLE>Genetic Diversity of Hepatitis B and C Viruses Revealed by Continuous Surveillance from 2015 to 2 […]
長崎大学高度感染症研究センター・新興ウイルス研究分野/熱帯医学研究所・新興感染症学分野の川崎佳子さん(医学部5年生)、阿部遥助教(現:熱帯医学研究所ベトナム拠点准教授)、安田二朗教授らのグループによる新型コロナウイルス […]
プレスリリース:動物種による重症熱性血小板減少症候群(SFTS)ウイルスの病原性の違いを説明する分子基盤に関する論文が『Journal of Biological Chemistry』の電子版に掲載されました。
高度感染症研究センター・新興ウイルス研究分野/熱帯医学研究所・新興感染症学分野の吉川禄助助教、川上真弘さん(当時 長崎大学医学部生)、安田二朗教授らのグループによる重症熱性血小板減少症候群(SFTS)ウイルスに関す […]
発表論文:Interaction between PI3K and the VDAC2 channel tethers Ras-PI3K-positive endosomes to mitochondria and promotes endosome maturation
<TITLE>Interaction between PI3K and the VDAC2 channel tethers Ras-PI3K-positive endosomes to mitochondri […]
発表論文:The NSs protein of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus differentially inhibits the type 1 interferon response among animal species
<TITLE>The NSs protein of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus differentially inhibits the type 1 […]
発表論文:Interaction of the Hemagglutinin Stalk Region with Cell Adhesion Molecule (CADM) 1 and CADM2 Mediates the Spread between Neurons and Neuropathogenicity of Measles Virus with a Hyperfusogenic Fusion Protein
<Title>Interaction of the Hemagglutinin Stalk Region with Cell Adhesion Molecule (CADM) 1 and CADM2 Medi […]
発表論文:Identification of Surfactin as an anti-Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome virus (SFTSV) multi-target compound extracted from the culture broth of marine microbes
<Title>Identification of Surfactin as an anti-Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome virus (SFTSV) multi- […]